Friday, March 7, 2008

second assignment-character

The main character in my book slaughter house five doesn't have a name, it seems more like the author Kurt Vonnegut is writing in first person as if he was the P.O.W in World War 2. So this book is a autobiographical book. This character is hard working. "while i was studying to be a anthropologist, i was also working as a police reporter for the famous Chicago City news Bureau for twenty eight dollars a day"
First of all, i would have to contrast myself to the author Kurt Vonnegut. i don't think i am anything like him. i would not go to war, and i would not want to be a anthropologist. but i dont think i have read enough to actually compare and contrast myself to him.
The five senses of the book really haven't came into play with me yet. The author just explains what the book is going to be about and that it is mostly true. at least the war parts are. But i get the picture at first that he was a prisoner of war at one time.

1 comment:

*L!zb3th* said...

Im proud of you that ud ont want to go to WAR!!!