Friday, April 4, 2008

fifth assignment

the project of my novel hasn't really kicked in yet. the book is starting to get a little more confusing. i think this is on purpose. it shows us that the main character billy is confused and lost. for some reason, he dying. this shows us that he is weak and shouldn't be where he is rite now. he also keeps hallucinating and traveling in time. now this shows that billy doesn't want to be there and doesn't want to be what he is.
the main conflict in my novel is character vs. self. he is fighting himself and becoming crazy by being in this war and seeing what he has seen.
the conflict contributes to my novel by billy struggling and fighting himself, the project shows us that war can have major after affects on many people.

fourth assignment

i found a symbol in my book. when billy pilgram keeps dying and keeps time traveling, this shows us that he really wants to die or at least not be in the same place that he is in rite now. since he is in the war and getting tossed around, he is just tired of being himself.
in my book, i also found a metaphor. "they had been lying in a German ambush for days" this saying doesn't mean that they were lying down in an ambush!
i found a allegory also. billy isn't a very big or strong kid, so he gets beat up and pushed around and kicked. he is in the army. i guess this shows us that the week don't survive.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

Slaughter house five is the book im reading. my book seems to be just an original war story so far. but there is a part where a guy named billy pilgram seems to crazy talking about aliens and being obducted! this book jumps from story to story with each chapter. because in chapter one, it talks about what the books about, who he dedicates the book to, and if Vonnegut should rite about dresden. but im going to keep reading and see if it will get any better.
The thing that makes my book a little more on the original side is the plot. it's a veteran who fought the dresden war. and he debates on wether to write or not write about his expierences. but when he decides what to do, he said not a whole lot comes to his mind about the dresden incodents. but one character that is new is billy pilgram. he is also a veteran who fought in the war. but after he survived a plane crash he is crazy and imagines things.
The thhing that makes my story original is that its a basic war story with little twists and turns in it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

second assignment-character

The main character in my book slaughter house five doesn't have a name, it seems more like the author Kurt Vonnegut is writing in first person as if he was the P.O.W in World War 2. So this book is a autobiographical book. This character is hard working. "while i was studying to be a anthropologist, i was also working as a police reporter for the famous Chicago City news Bureau for twenty eight dollars a day"
First of all, i would have to contrast myself to the author Kurt Vonnegut. i don't think i am anything like him. i would not go to war, and i would not want to be a anthropologist. but i dont think i have read enough to actually compare and contrast myself to him.
The five senses of the book really haven't came into play with me yet. The author just explains what the book is going to be about and that it is mostly true. at least the war parts are. But i get the picture at first that he was a prisoner of war at one time.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Assignment

The book that i chose was "Slaughter House 5". I'm really not sure why i chose it but it sounded really interesting. So really, the name is what wound me in.